Criminal Defense Attorney 678-407-9300

Question: Back in 2010 mi 18 yo brother at the time was arrested for spiking my drink. He was later said to be incompentant enough to go to trail. However, our local news station did a story about it on tv and also put an article on their website about what happened. Last week, my sister posted the story to facebook from the tv station and tagged me in the post. I also shared it since it was a true event and i was the one it happened to. We made comments on it, all which were true but some of my other family members saw it and told my parents about it. They called me and said that they were going to have my sister and I charged with slander if we didnt take our posts down. Can they do that even though the article was true and the comments we made were all true? My brother put medicine in my juice one morning and i had drank half or it before I realized something was in it. He said that he did it to hark me because he had gotten in trouble the day before and he couldnt go out with myself and his girlfriend so he did not want me to go either. My mom told me to call the police after it happened and the police has him on tape admitting to everything. After that my mom started taking him to doctors and they said he was mildly retarded but when he confess he said that he was in his right mind and and knew exactly what he was doing. The local tv station does reports of people who are locked up and they did one on him and showed his mug shot and told what he did on tv for 2 days straight. They also posted the story on their website and the story can still be found there.

Answer: Let me get this right: (1) yoru 18 year old brother was viewed as mildly retarded, but no one else in your family noticed it for 18 years? (2) when your mother found out about the incident, she told you to call the police, even though you and your retarded brother were living in her home, rather than she calling the police and taking the lead, is that correct? Please stop writing and find some type of sustainable, productive employment that you enjoy, OR find something at a local school that you might enjoy studying, In other words, get a life.

Answered By Lawrence Lewis - Drug Offense Attorneys Atlanta, Drug Defense Attorneys Cumming

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Phone: 678-407-9300
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