Criminal Defense Attorney 678-407-9300

Question: I am not sure if we need a lawyer for this situation

I am member of a small (charitable)group registered as non for profit. For the years of existence we never received outside contribution. We personnaly contribute a small amount of money monthly and manage to help 1 of 2 organizations per year. We have a bureau with a president at the top. She lately resigned and before (or after..we don't know yet) decided to write a check to an organization in the full amount of our funds without our knowledge or approval. So she is clearly out of line. Do we need a lawyer to sue her or can we do it on our onw. We later discovered that she failed to renew our registration with the state and our organization was dissolved even before she wrote that check.

thank you for your assistance.

Answer: If you report it the police, the police can arrest her and the prosecutor can pursue restitution for you.

Answered By Lawrence Lewis - Criminal Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Lawyer Lawrenceville

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Lawrence Lewis, P.C. is a criminal defense law firm focused on educating clients and their families on the criminal justice process, as well as working towards favorable resolution of criminal charges.

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Lawrenceville, GA

Lawrence Lewis P.C.
Phone: 678-407-9300
Address: 750 Longleaf Blvd Suite A
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
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